Cottagecore : The Wellness Trend of 2021
This pandemic has inspired many things, but what it made us realize the most is to spend more time at home, and spend it as wisely as possible. What contributes to positivity and a general feel-good emotional experience can vary person to person. However, it seems more and more people are into the ideas of going back to nature, getting rid of plastics, and using or creating sustainable and eco-friendly products in the home themselves. These simple acts of going back to simpler times in modern homes has given birth to the trend of ‘cottagecore’. The name itself suggests that this is a cottage-inspired interior that blends modern and rural activities that contribute to your wellness. The trend has taken people by storm and here are a few reasons why!
Romanticized Rural Living
If cottagecore became Instagram and Pinterest-worthy, it was because of this! As people wanted to deploy more greens into their home during lockdown and isolation periods, they turned to gardening in their spare time. The result included mini gardens that looked straight out of a countryside cottage. Thus, the first step to cottagecore living is to incorporate more greens in your home! While you cannot manage elaborate beautiful gardens like the old romantic days, you can add plants here and there in your home and create romantic vibes. Think climbing plants, flowering plants, or vegetable patches. However, to truly live the cottagecore life, you have to tend to these plants without modern technologies and products such as pesticides or fertilisers, and go for completely organic methods. Comforts of a modern home and a little bit of hard work behind gardening equals a wellness-inspired and balanced lifestyle.
Organic and Sustainable Ways
The previous generation worked hard to get to the modern era we live in, only for the current generation to go back to older times. Nowadays, it is preferable to wear and use clothing materials that are easy to wash and easy on the eyes too. This includes linens, quilts, knit blankets, stone-washed or organically sourced cottons. People now avoid synthetic materials such as velvet and polyester and opt for shine-free, simple and soothing clothing for fashion. Learning sewing and embroidery or making cute pillows has become a favorite hobby for many.

Beauty in Simplicity
Cottagecore fans recognize the importance of a simple life. Instead of giving into processed food items, people are now more interested in making butters, bread, or jam at home on their own. Although this slows life down, it allows you to enjoy life more steadily and truly appreciate the outdoors. Opting for homes with proper ventilation and sunlight has become a norm, as the health benefits of sunlight and breeze are now better understood among those living in the concrete jungles of cities.
Old-World Charms
We are quite familiar with countryside artworks, since the heart of our nation is our villages. Artists love the peaceful look of villages, and you can bring that your cottagecore-inspired home. Include vintage artworks or paintings done in traditional styles to remind you of the countryside life. Stone and wood items were used back in the day, and you can use them too! Stone or wood decor items or kitchen utensils and props are a great start. Serving dishes could be stainless steel or wood. You will still have the modern stove, kitchen hood, and electrical appliances but these elements put the cottagecore aesthetic in its place. For example, your furniture or rugs and towels could be of rustic colors with traditional motifs and intricate craftsmanship that were popular decades ago.
These are just some of the reasons why Cottagecore has become so popular. It has greatly influenced buying decisions, as homeowners now want more than just four walls. They want a complete lifestyle dedicated to their wellbeing within modern homes, which will include perks such as greenery, big outdoor space, community activity space, landscaped walkways and rooftops, etc along with modern smart home features. You could check out bti’s Wellness Communities Collection if you too are looking for the Cottagecore lifestyle.